Plant Manager— Director Jong-Suk Park (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho took Jong-Suk who was bleeding from his forehead to his home. Jong-Suk's parents were running a Seolleongtang (an ox bone soup) restaurant at the entrance of the town. When Jong-Suk entered the restaurant with his forehead bleeding, his parents were surprised.

"What is this? Who did this to you!?"

"I found him fighting with the kids from our neighbor town."

"Who are they?! I will kick their as*es!"

Jong-Suk's mother looked very upset.

"They are all gone already."

Jong-Suk's mother returned to Jong-Suk to check his wound.

"It's not that serious, son. You don't need any stitches. Let me get some ointment and I will take care of it. You will be fine."

Jong-Suk's mother went to the pharmacy across the street and bought some ointment and band-aids. After treating Jong-Suk with ointment and band-aids, Jong-Suk's mother turned her head to Gun-Ho and thanked him.

"You are the boy from the house up there, right? Thank you for bringing my boy home."