Top Star—Seol-Bing (1) – Part 1

President Jang-Hwan Song who was the co-president of GH Mobile came to Gun-Ho's office.

"We developed two products at our research center out of five orders that S Group placed. We are currently producing sample products. We will manufacture 5,000 for each product and send it to our logistics team today."

"Good work."

"I was impressed by the ability of our new chief officer of the research center. I was told that BMW's research center didn't want to let him go, and I now totally understand why. He is a bit sensitive but other than that, he is the best research chief officer I've ever seen."

"Is he that sensitive?"

"It's a very common disposition among high-level engineers. That sensitivity enables them to produce accurate and precise products."

"I guess they will soon start developing the other three products, too."