Top Star—Seol-Bing (2) – Part 2

Min-Hyeok's father-in-law was a good painter. His paintings were more beautiful and skillfully done than Gun-Ho had expected. His paintings were traditional landscapes painting with mountains, clouds, lake, and a small boat.

"Hey, Min-Hyeok. Your father-in-law is a real artist."

"I was told that he has been painting his entire life. So I'm not surprised."

President Shin, who had profound knowledge in paintings, nodded her head from time to time while looking at the paintings displayed in the exhibition.

"I like them."

There were not many paintings displayed. There were about 20 of them. Gun-Ho felt the pressure that he should buy at least one painting since he was there in person. He asked the staff there,

"Are these paintings for sale as well?"

"Yes, they are."

"How much is the painting over there with a mountain and a lake? The sixth one from the left."

"Do you like that one?"