Art Exhibition (1) – Part 1

Right after Gun-Ho got off the phone with Jae-Sik Moon, he received another call from President Jeong-Sook Shin.

"Sir, this is Jeong-Sook Shin. I've heard that President Min-Hyeok Kim is having a wedding in Korea soon."

"That's right. What about it?"

"So, his father-in-law and mother-in-law will come to Korea to attend the wedding, right?"

"Of course. Why don't you come to the wedding too?"

"Absolutely. I will be there. I just want to talk to his father-in-law who is a painter."

"Mr. Ding Feng? Why do you want to see him?"

"I am thinking of having his solo art exhibition in Korea. I am talking about the art exhibition of the master of northern school literati paintings—Mr. Ding Feng with GH Media's name."

"His solo art exhibition? That could make money?"