Art Exhibition (2) – Part 1

Dyeon Korea's vice president—Mr. Adam Castler—and Director Dong-Chan Kim came to GH Mobile to see Gun-Ho. The interpreter was following them to Gun-Ho's office.

"Please have a seat. I do appreciate your hard work for Dyeon Korea, starting off in the small container office. I am so glad the building will soon be completed."

Mr. Adam Castler said,

"I came to let you know that we want to ask Dyeon America to ship the equipment now. If we wait until the building dedication ceremony is over, it would be too late. Once the equipment is shipped from Seattle, they will arrive in Busan after a few weeks. They will then have to be passed through customs at the Busan port before they could finally be sent to Asan City. So, I strongly suggest having the equipment be shipped as soon as possible."

"Can we receive the equipment to Pyeongtaek Port instead of Busan? It's closer to Asan City."

"All international shipments are supposed to arrive at Busan Port."
