Joint Venture (3) – Part 1

Gun-Ho received a call from Director Kang from GH Development.

"Sir, it's Director Kang."

"Oh, Director Kang. Thank you for picking up those American engineers at the airport and driving them to Asan City yesterday."

"Sure thing, sir. I should, of course, give any support that I could to any GH companies. I called because I have something that I need to discuss with you, sir. We have received a letter from Seoul City Hall. They said if we make our building's rooftop green like a garden or something, they will subsidize the cost by about 50%. Also, they are willing to pay for the service fee charged by the county office for their security inspection. I'm wondering if we want to apply for it."

"Have the papers ready. I'm coming to Seoul for another business anyway. I will stop by the office."

"Sounds good, sir. I will be here."