Prototype Development of the Joint Venture Company (1) – Part 1

GH Mobile was doing very well. Since the new co-president—Jang-Hwan Song joined GH Mobile, its sales revenue was on the rise, and the newly developed product—AM083 Assembly was selling well. The employment was stable too. GH Mobile's turnover rate was almost zero. Moreover, the company's debts were continuously being reduced.

During the meeting with the internal auditor, the internal auditor was speaking about the company's profit and loss.

"According to our semi-annual financial report, our sales revenue was 10% and our ordinary income was 3%. If we assume that we will have about the same performance for the rest of the year, our annual sales revenue would be approximately 80 billion won. If we apply 3% of the ordinary income, our yearly profit would be 2.4 billion won."


"We can, of course, will be able to distribute dividends to the major shareholder of this company—President Goo after we reserve some ‌retention‌ money."