Prototype Development of the Joint Venture Company (2) – Part 1

Director Dong-Chan Kim at Dyeon Korea didn't like the sample product that they just produced.

"I can't send these to the companies that have been using Dyeon's products. They wouldn't consider these as authentic Dyeon products. With the help of those American engineers who came directly from Dyeon America, we still couldn't produce exactly the same products as Dyeon's."

Director Dong-Chan Kim made a call to President Jang-Hwan Song in GH Mobile.

"We have produced Dyeon Korea's sample products."

"That's nice. Congratulations."

"But we might have some problems…"

"Are you asking me to send Director Jong-Suk Park there?"

"Does the former chief research officer come to work to GH Mobile these days, doesn't he?"

"Yes, he does. He usually comes in the morning and leaves early. Why are you asking?"

"I am hoping that you could send us the former chief research officer along with Director Jong-Suk Park to us, maybe for one or two days. We seriously need help."