Chairman Lee’s Vacation Home (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho pictured a vacation home where Chairman Lee was drinking a glass of champagne while looking at his beautifully landscaped garden. He must have a custodian who stayed in his vacation home 24/7 to handle all the work there since it was a huge vacation home that was 1,000 pyung large.

"I envy you, Chairman Lee. I'm sure that not many people have an opportunity to own a large vacation home like that, especially in this area with clean air."

"You think so? Hahaha. I don't have anything much to do at my age. I do like to have fun in my vacation home.

Chairman Lee said he brought Gimbab that was enough for two people, and he wanted to share it with Gun-Ho.

"Oh, I brought my own Gimbab too. Let's eat together."

Gun-Ho went to his Land Rover and took out a picnic mat from the trunk. After a moment, three people were sitting on the picnic mat, and they were having Gimbab with a beverage.

"President Goo, do you like this?"

"Do you mean here, this place?"