Tokyo Sonata (1) – Part 1

It was the day that Gun-Ho asked Seol-Bing to meet him in Tokyo.

It was on Saturday, and he didn't have to tell anyone about his unilateral appointment with Seol-Bing. He could just leave for Tokyo on Friday night and come back on Sunday night.

Fortunately, Mori Aikko had a schedule that day for her concerted dance performance at National Bunraku Theatre in Shinsaibashi, Osaka, so she wouldn't be in Tokyo.

Gun-Ho waited for Seol-Bing at the café in New Otani Hotel in Akasaka, Tokyo, but Seol-Bing didn't show up. Gun-Ho waited until late at night before he gave up.

It was a lonely night in Tokyo for Gun-Ho without Seol-Bing and without Mori Aikko.

Gun-Ho had his wine at the sweet room in New Otani Hotel by himself while looking out of the window at Japan's State Guest House.

Once he came back to Korea, he sent a text message to Seol-Bing.