Tokyo Sonata (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho walked towards the window while holding his glass of wine.

"You live like an Avatar of your agency company. Come to think of it, a businessman seems to have a more creative and liberal life, even though we need to take more risk."

Seol-Bing was sitting on a chair without saying a word. Gun-Ho continued to talk,

"Even a top star needs a room to breathe. A celebrity should be able to make his or her own decision on dating someone or marrying someone. Well, I guess I don't get to say anything on that subject. Even though I do make all of the decisions and choices in my life, I haven't married yet; I've been so busy to fulfill the plans and schedules I made."

Seol-Bing lifted her head slightly, and asked,

"Are you… single?"

"Yes, I am."

"I know you have several companies, but I didn't know you are still single."

Gun-Ho placed his glass of wine on the table and said,

"Do you have anyone you can introduce to me? Anyone who looks like you would be good for me."