GH Gallery (1) – Part 1

Dyeon Korea's Director Dong-Chan Kim's flattery for the Egnopak's president continued.

"I still remember your hole-in-one when we played in Taekwang Country Club in Yongin City. It still remains vivid in my memory, sir."

"Oh, you were there, too? And you remember that?"

"Of course, sir. It was my first time witnessing a hole-in-one in my entire life."

"Haha. You know what? That was actually my last hole-in-one. I've never succeeded in it since then."

"Since you are still healthy, sir, you will have your chance to do it again."

"You really think so? Haha. By the way, what made you come to see me today? The joint company with Lymondell Dyeon started producing their products already?"

"Yes, sir. We just started producing our products."

Director Kim pulled out the sample products and showed them to the Egnopak's president with the product brochure.

The Egnopak's president looked at the sample products that Director Kim brought in with a frown. He seemed uncomfortable.