Matchmaking (1) – Part 2

Saturday came around.

Gun-Ho had Dyeon Korea rent a van to accommodate six people—Gun-Ho, Mr. Interpreter Lee, Mr. Adam Castler and three American engineers. The van came with a chauffeur.

Before heading to Hannam Town, Gun-Ho showed them around Insan Town and Bukchon Hanok Village. They arrived at the Pine in Hannam Town in the evening. They parked the rental car at a paid parking lot near Soonchunhyang Hospital and walked to the Pine.

"Mr. Chauffeur, we will come back by 9 pm. Please take this. I want to pay for your dinner. You will find plenty of restaurants in this area."

"Thank you, sir. This is more than a dinner's cost. I appreciate it."

When Gun-Ho brought the Americans and the interpreter to the Pine, the interpreter looked perplexed. The Pine looked like a residential house without a business sign. A moment later, the bouncers poured out to the front entrance door.

"Big brother, welcome to the Pine. It's a pleasure to see you again."