Hiring a Chauffeur (1) – Part 1

After lunch, Gun-Ho went up to his office on the eighteenth floor.

Since the secretary—Ms. Yeon-Soo Oh—was helping the art gallery's exhibition, the accounting manager brought a cup of coffee for Gun-Ho. While he was having his afternoon coffee, Gun-Ho received a call from Director Yoon in Dyeon Korea.

"You are in Seoul right now, aren't you, sir?"

"Yes, I am."

"I just wanted to let you know how the new hiring is going."

"Please go on."

"For the five positions with work experience, 120 people applied for the job. For the position requiring no work experience, 820 people applied for them."

"It will take time to select the people we need. How come are we getting so many applications for the jobs?"

"I think many people recognized the name—Dyeon Korea because Lymondell Dyeon is a global company."

"Even though the work location is in Asan City rather than in Seoul, many people are still willing to work there."