Strategic Change (3) – Part 1

On Monday, as soon as Gun-Ho arrived at work in Dyeon Korea, Mr. Adam Castler came into Gun-Ho's office accompanied by the interpreter—Mr. Lee.

"You must have something you want to talk to me about. Please have a seat."

Gun-Ho asked the secretary—Ms. Seon-Hye Yee to bring some tea for them.

"How do you like living in Korea so far?"

"It's good. Everyone including you has been very kind to me."

"What would you like to talk to me about today?"

"I've just received a call from Dyeon America that they will send an audit team here."

"An audit?"

"Upon the completion of their investment-in-kind, Dyeon America sends its people to verify their investment. Their investment-in-kind will be completed when they send machine no. 7 and no.8 which will be shipped to Busan Port soon. They will check the machines from no. 1 to no. 6 and see if they are all in a good working condition."

"Hmm. I think it is a good policy that they have."