GH Logistics (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho asked Jae-Sik,

"You said you are living somewhere in Mapo District, right?"

"Mangwon Town in Mapo District to be exact."

"Did you lease it with a monthly rent?"

"Yeah. It has two rooms. The security deposit is 10 million won with 500,000 won of monthly rent."

"You are paid 3 million won per month, right?"

"Right. After tax, I'm taking about 2.7 million won home."

"You said you are still paying for your debt. With the payment for the debt and for the rent, nothing much would be left."

"Well, my wife is making money now. We are doing okay."

"I went to the book café the other day to have coffee, and I met your wife. She looked calm and stable."

"Calm? Well, she is moody. She used to write poetry; maybe that's why she is so moody. We both were working as an editor when we first met. We started living together without a formal wedding ceremony."

"Hmm, yeah, I think you told me about it before."