GH Logistics (3) – Part 1

The machines, no. 7 and no. 8 had finally arrived at Busan Port. Dyeon America's investment-in-kind had completed now. Dyeon Korea was doing very well. Thanks to its successful sales activities and the power of Lymondell Dyeon's global brand name.

Dyeon Korea's vice president—Mr. Adam Castler came into Gun-Ho's office with the interpreter—Mr. Lee.

"Lymondell Dyeon's investment-in-kind has been completed as of today."

"I am aware of it. Everyone did a great job so far. We are now focusing on our sales work."

"Since both parties completed their investment into this joint venture, Dyeon America now wants to have our first board meeting."

"Of course. That's stipulated in the contract for this joint venture."

"The chairman of the board and one executive officer will visit Korea soon for the board meeting."

"Is Mr. Brandon Burke coming too?"