Meant to Be Together (1) – Part 1

The next morning, Gun-Ho and Mori Aikko ate a Japanese Lo Mein for breakfast.

Mori Aikko couldn't stay with Gun-Ho that day; she had to prepare for the performance. The event that Mori Aikko was participating in was a rather big event held in Tokyo Bunka Kaikan. According to Mori Aikko, it was a very important event for her to strengthen her position in the field."

"I'm sorry that I can't visit you more often. I'm just so busy with my business."

"It's okay, oppa. As long as your heart is with me, I'm fine."

"Of course my heart is always with you. And this is my gift for you in congratulating on your performance. Take it."

Mori Aikko took the envelope that Gun-Ho handed to her with a lonely smile and put it in her purse.

"I have to take off now. You said you are leaving today, right?"

"Yeah. I guess I will see you next time."

Gun-Ho kissed Mori Aikko on the cheek.

"Oppa, stay healthy, okay?"

"I will try. You too!"