Art Exhibition with Original Paintings (2) – Part 1

GH Media's President Jeong-Sook Shin came.

"I heard that you've achieved another success with the cartoon exhibition of Japanese original cartoon paintings."

"It is successful, but selling an expensive painting would have brought more profits than hosting this cartoon exhibition. Hahaha."

"But it was very effective marketing since so many students rush into our gallery."

"Those kids are just noisy."

"They will soon become our precious customers."

"Those little customers are from Gangnam District, and they seem to have no problem buying a painting for 200,000 or 300,000 won."

"Their parents wouldn't mind them spending the money to buy a cartoon painting. It's not wrongdoing, is it?"

"I heard them talking about the paintings and the cartoonists. They seem to know much more than us about cartoons."

"That means Japanese cartoons are very popular among those students."

"They read original Japanese cartoon books even though they are not translated into Korean. That's amazing."