Wedding (3) – Part 1

The weather was getting warmer after the Lunar New Year's Day in February. The spring was on its way.

Gun-Ho was checking his email at his desk in the office at GH Mobile when he found an email from Mori Aikko, which he had never expected to see.

[Oppa, it has been a while since we were together the last time. The cherry blossoms will be in full bloom within two months. There will be a cherry blossom festival at the Heian Shrine in Kyoto as they have held every year. Daigokuden of Heian Shrine in Tokyo City sent a special invitation to dancing geishas for a dance performance. They will set up a stage for us. Until then, I have spare time, so I'm going on a trip to South Korea around mid-March. I feel so excited already thinking of meeting you there soon.

- Love from Mori Aikko ]

Gun-Ho was terrified.

"Shoot. My wedding will be in mid-March. Why does she have to come then?"

Gun-Ho walked around in his office in a panic.

"What should I tell her?"