Minister Jin-Woo Lee as Officiator (3) – Part 1

The next day, Gun-Ho's sister, who promised Gun-Ho that she would take care of the wallpaper and cleanup of his condo, called Gun-Ho.

"I'm at your home at TowerPalace right now. When did you do your wallpaper and the bathroom renovation?"

"I did them when I first moved in there."

"I looked around your home again in the daylight, and I think you can just keep your current wallpaper and others. They all look new. The refrigerator and the washer are in new condition as well."

"Okay. Then just have the cleaning crew deep clean the entire condo."


When Gun-Ho came back home after work, he was astonished. His condo looked brand new. It reminded him of the first day when he moved in there. The lampshade, bathroom, and kitchen appliances and all others looked extremely clean. Gun-Ho gave a call to his sister.

"Sister, thank you so much."

"Tell me, Gun-Ho. You have never cleaned up your home prior to today for the past one year, haven't you?"