Life of Newly-Married Couple (3) – Part 2

After cleaning the dishes and arranging the books to their new place, Gun-Ho and Young-Eun watched TV, and then they laid down on the bed together.

"It's good, right?"

"What's good?"

"Being together. I mean as a married couple."

Gun-Ho hugged Young-Eun and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you for being my significant other."

"I saved an old bachelor, did I?"

"Why did you choose me as your husband? I'm sure you have plenty of men to choose from."

"I don't know."

Gun-Ho pressed his lips against Young-Eun's lips.

"Why did you choose me, oppa?"

"I just wanted to save an old bachelorette."

Young-Eun kicked Gun-Ho's shin under the comforter.

"I wonder why you picked me. There should be tons of people who would want to marry you."

"I'm not sure."

Young-Eun rubbed Gun-Ho's chest.

"The reason I picked you was, I think, that I want to be compensated."

"Compensated for what?"