Expanding Logistics Business into Overseas Market (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho and Chan-Ho parked the Bentley in the airport parking lot in the basement and proceeded with checking in for a flight. It was a bit onerous to help Chan-Ho with checking-in and other processes, but Gun-Ho liked the fact that Chan-Ho carried his entire luggage and also ran little errands for him.

Chan-Ho seemed a bit nervous but excited about the trip. He probably didn't have much experience with overseas travel.

"You have your passport and flight ticket ready, right?"

"Yes, I have them all with me."

"Do you see the currency exchange booth over there? Can you go there and exchange 1 million won with Yuan?"


While Chan-Ho handled the currency exchange, Gun-Ho sat in a lounge at the airport and enjoyed a warm cup of tea while relaxing.

Once they arrived in China, they went to Shanghai City to see Seukang Li.

"Hey, Seukang Li!"

"Gun-Ho Goo! It's really good to see you, my friend. I knew you were coming, but you are so quick."