GH Plastic Co., Ltd. (2) – Part 1

Monday came around.

Gun-Ho went to work at GH Mobile. It had been a while since he went there. When he arrived, he called for the executive officers for a meeting.

President Song, the research center's chief officer, the accounting director, and Director Jong-Suk Park from the production department attended the meeting.

"We don't have any claims filed, do we?"

"No, we don't, sir. I believe that Director Jong-Suk Park handles the production site very efficiently that we haven't received even a single claim yet."

"That's good to hear. Oh, are you all aware that Director Park is now a father? He has a daughter."

"Really? He should have told us. Director Park, you can brag about that kind of thing. We didn't know."

President Song said to Director Park with a smile. Director Jong-Suk Park scratched the back of his head.

"That's why he has been acting like an all grown-up."

When the general affairs director talked about what he observed recently, everyone in the office laughed.