Costume Play Magazine – Part 2

The accounting manager entered Gun-Ho's office. He had joined GH Development about the same time when Secretary Yeon-Soo Oh was hired. He had a tax accountant license.

"Mr. Accounting Manager, how do you like working here so far?"

"I like it, sir."

"Since this is not a manufacturing company, I believe that you don't see much complicated work here. Director Kang is the one who pushes the tenants, who are behind on rent, to pay it, right?"

"That's right, sir."

"I just asked all of the GH companies to send their last year's financial statements for an external audit here. Seven companies will send their financial statements to us. Can you collect all of them, put them together, and bring them to me?"

"I will do that, sir."

When the accounting manager left Gun-Ho's office, Assistant Manager Ji-Young Jeong entered the office again.

"I've arranged to send a flower wreath to the funeral home, sir."


"And, this is the envelope with condolence money in it."