Expanding the Market to India (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho and Young-Eun continued to talk while lying on the bed.

"Why don't you talk to me about your trip to China?"

As Young-Eun tried to elicit some stories from Gun-Ho, she yawned.

"You seem to be tired."

"I'm okay."

"President Shin is moving to the building where my office is. She will be on the 17th floor."

"Really? You will see her pretty often then."

"I think it's good since she can more easily operate the art gallery in the basement. When we host an art exhibition next time, you come to visit us, okay?"

"I heard that a woman is not supposed to go frequently to her husband's business place."

"It's okay. It's not like you go there every day."

"But still… Your employees might not feel comfortable to see me there."

"There will be a wood carving exhibition in Yokohama next month. Our art gallery is planning to host the same exhibition at our gallery."

"Wood carving? Like a statue of the Buddha?"