Expanding the Market to India (2) – Part 2

Dyeon Korea's Director Kim said, "I was actually going to make a suggestion to you once we receive machine no. 15 and 16, about having a subsidiary company in India. There are other markets like Southeast Asia, but I think India is the best choice since it has high demands for our products. What about having Dyeon Korea's subsidiary company in India? Unlike GH Mobile, Dyeon Korea has no worries about debts. We have more than enough funds in reserve as well."

"Hmm. I see your point. I will think about it."

"I don't think it will cost a lot to have a Dyeon Korea's subsidiary company in India, just like Dingding's sales company in China. India has two national languages: English and Hindi. We can send Interpreter Lee there for interpretation."

"We will have to do sales work there."

"We have our clients there already like S Group, Mandong Company, and Egnopak. They all have their factories in India. I know all of their presidents in India."
