Business Tour in India (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho, by experience, knew how handy a book could be during a long flight. For the trip to India, he carried a few weekly magazines and a novel. He also didn't forget to wear long sleeves knowing that it could be cold inside the flight.

"Sir, you seem to be very well prepared for the trip. I see you carrying a magazine as well."

The director person in a small company, who looked like an anchovy, commented. He was the person who sat next to him during the preliminary meeting for this trip. For some reason, he sat next to Gun-Ho again in the flight.

The airplane flew overnight as it passed over the South China Sea and Hong Kong. After finishing reading the weekly magazines that he brought, Gun-Ho grabbed his novel to continue his reading. A flight attendant brought him a blanket.

They finally arrived at Delhi Airport.

"This airport doesn't look very nice. It seems to be very outdated."

"I know, right? It looks like an airport in a province in China."