Wood carving Exhibition in Yokohama City (2) – Part 1

Mori Aikko said in a subdued voice, "I have to go to Sapporo City."

"What for? Are you going there to see your grandmother?"

Mori Aikko nodded her head.

"I'm already late. I wanted to see you before leaving for the airport. I have to go now."

"Let's go. I will take you to the airport. Which airport are you heading to? Is it Narita International Airport? Or Haneda Airport?"


Gun-Ho picked up Mori Aikko's luggage and walked out of the condo. When Gun-Ho couldn't find any cab around the condo complex, he called for one.

"In the cab, Mori Aikko leaned on Gun-Ho's shoulder without saying a word. Gun-Ho swept a few strands of her hair and held her small hands.

"Ganbare mashou (Cheer up)!"

Mori Aikko smiled weakly.