Terminal Business (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho made a call to Jae-Sik Moon.

"I just received a call from Antang City, China."

"The ones who suggested doing a joint venture together?"

"Right. They are asking us to come and visit them next week. What do you think?"

"Next week? What are we supposed to do if we go there next week? Are we negotiating on terms or something?"

"You don't know anything about a letter of intent and an actual contract for a joint venture deal, do you?"

"I don't know."

"We sign a letter of intent first, demonstrating our intent to commit to the deal. That way, other people won't intervene in our ongoing business deal. We sign the actual contract afterwards."

"Does that mean a letter of intent is not legally binding since we will sign an actual contract later?"

"You can say that."

"Hmm, then maybe I should go there with you. I guess there should be a lot for me to learn."

"Okay then. Let's schedule our trip for Tuesday. Be prepared accordingly."