Register Farmland After Changing Its Land Use (1) – Part 1

Young-Eun sat at a desk wearing a medical doctor's white coat. A stethoscope was hanging around her neck. On the desk, there were disinfectants, ointment, adhesive plasters, etc.

Gun-Ho was sitting next to Young-Eun holding a list of the children's names that the instructor gave to him.

"Oppa, you just check if each child who I will be examining is on the list. Also, hand me things when I ask, okay?"

"Got it."

The children made a long line in front of Young-Eun, and each child sat in front of her one at a time.

"Can you tell me your name?"

Gun-Ho said to the first child sitting at the desk facing Young-Eun while holding the children's name list along with a pen.

"My name is Byeong-Gab Oh."

The child was smiling. He looked playful.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable on any part of your body?"


"Oh, my gosh. Look at the back of your hand. You have a cut there!"