Winning Bid at Public Auction—Onbid (1) – Part 1

After getting off the phone with Jae-Sik Moon, Gun-Ho couldn't dispel the thought of the rental real property on Onbid. He made a call to Jae-Sik again.

"Jae-Sik, I just wanted to ask you if the rental property that you are keeping an eye on is the one that my brother-in-law was talking about."

"That's the one. In order to make sure that I was looking at the same property, I asked your brother-in-law about the property number. It's the same property with the same number. Also, that's the only rental real property in Siheung City, that is on Onbid right now."

"It's a 1,000 pyung large land. Don't you think 60 million won is excessive for that size?"

"60 million won? Their price is not 60 million won. It's 6 million won!"

"Are you sure? Because my brother-in-law said they are asking 60 million won."