Sale of Logistics’ Real Property (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho and Jae-Sik continued to talk over the phone.

"When do you think it would be an appropriate time to move the office to the new location in Siheung City? Maybe after we receive the middle payment? Actually, we don't have much to move anyway. The moving will be very simple unlike moving a manufacturing company."

"Maybe we can move the office after we receive the full payment."

"Guess what my workers said when I told them that they will be working at GH Mobile."

"What did they say?"

"They said that they really wanted to stay with me here to work if they could, and they feel sad that they have to work for GH Mobile, not GH Logistics. But the thing is that they looked really happy while saying that."

"Hahaha. Really?"

"I will send you the earnest money of 200 million won to your bank account."

"No, don't. Since GH Logistics is the one that is selling its property, that money must stay in its business bank account."

"Hmm, I see."