Wedding Ceremony Later in Life (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho went to a local bank and withdrew 10 million won and used it to make sales and purchase agreement for the condo that he wanted to buy for Jae-Sik Moon. He didn't forget to use Jae-Sik Moon's name in purchasing it. According to the real estate agent, it was okay to make the sales contract with him instead of the condo's owner.

"Is it really okay that I make this sales and purchase contract with you, not with the owner?"

"That's fine because the owner gave me the full authority to do so on his behalf. The owner is living a bit far from here—Jungdong Town, Bucheon City. You will meet him when the full payment would be made. Here is the condo's real estate registration. As you can see, it's very clean without any lien attached to it."

Gun-Ho promised to pay the remainder of the payment within a week, and the real estate agent handed over the condo's entrance passcode.