Wedding Ceremony Later in Life (3) – Part 2

After the wedding ceremony, the guest had enjoyed buffet food prepared at the churchyard. Gun-Ho and Young-Eun ate there lightly and then headed to Yeonan Pier. It was getting dark already. On the way to Yeonan Pier in the car, Gun-Ho, who was driving, said to Young-Eun who was sitting next to him, "Jae-Sik is probably on the plane heading to Jeju Island by now."

"You said they used to be in the literature field, right?"

"Yeah. Jae-Sik is an award-winning author of a full-length novel."

"And, his wife used to write poems, huh?"

"That's right."

"They are a great couple. Since they are writers, I think that they will adapt to Chinese culture very quickly."

"You think so?"

Yeonan Pier was noisy with many touts who were soliciting customers loudly. Even though it was late at night, there were so many people there enjoying the evening. Gun-Ho and Young-Eun went to the largest sashimi restaurant in the area. They walked up to the second floor in the restaurant building.