Indemnity Report of Supply (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho was talking with GH Mobile's President Jang-Hwan Song on the phone about the products that A Electronics requested.

"How many products do they want?"

"He was not sure about the volume of the product order because his job is not directly involved with product order. Since they are a research center, they only get involved in determining whether the product can be made or not."

"Hmm, really?"

"He suggested talking with the plant manager of the factory in Dangjin City or Changwon City about the number of products and their prices."

"I guess his part is to conduct a testing on the sample product that we will make."

"I think so."

"Who's going to pay for the product molds then?"

"He said they will pay for them."

"Hmm, really? You went there with our research center's chief officer— Mr. Director Oh, right?"

"Yes, I did."

"What did Mr. Director Oh say?"

"He said that it won't be difficult to make those products."

"Okay, then. Good job."