Memory at Hotel in Shinjuku (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho woke up the following day in the hotel room. He looked at his watch. It was after 10 am. Mori Aikko was still deep in sleep.

Gun-Ho drank a cup of water before going back to bed. The air in the room was cold, maybe because he let the air conditioner run overnight. When he went back to the bed, he drew Mori Aikko close to him to feel her warm body. Mori Aikko groped Gun-Ho's chest with her adorable hand while still sleeping. Gun-Ho fell asleep again holding Mori Aikko tightly.

Gun-Ho woke up again to the sound of his smartphone's ring. It was GH Mobile's President Song. Gun-Ho answered the phone on the bed while still holding Mori Aikko.

"The contract is signed and notarized at the notary office in front of the Daejeon District Court's branch in Seosan City. I went there with A Electronics' staff."

"Very well done."

"I will leave the notarized contract with the accounting director so you could review it when you return to the office."

"Sounds good."