Remittance of 450,000 Dollars (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho went to GH Logistics in Siheung City. His sister and brother-in-law were in the office. A K7 was parked in front of their office building.

"Gun-Ho, you are here!"

"Hey, brother."

"Haha. You two look good sitting in the office together."

"Did you see the car parked outside? That's the new car that we just bought. I drive that car these days when I meet with clients. I went to Paju City yesterday with that car."

"How is the business in Paju City? Any changes?"

"It's steady. We get the same volume of work there as it had always been, no increase or no decrease in the workload at all."

"I see."

"Oh, you know what? I just received a call from GH Mobile."

"Who called you from GH Mobile?"

"It was the assistant manager from the general affairs department. He asked me to stop by their office."

"They probably wanted to give you some work."

"Don't they have their own logistics department? I thought that they don't outsource transportation work."