Remittance of 450,000 Dollars (2) – Part 2

Once Young-Eun's morning sickness stopped, Young-Eun started eating a lot.

Gun-Ho said, "Is it okay for you to eat that much?"

"Nothing much I can do about it. Oppa, can you get me some tomatoes? I want cherry tomatoes."

Gun-Ho went to a supermarket and bought tomato, fruit juices, and other fruits and brought them to Young-Eun. Whenever Young-Eun said she was feeling swollen on her legs, he gave her a massage. These things became a new routine for Gun-Ho.

It was Monday. Gun-Ho went to work at GH Building in Sinsa Town.

Gun-Ho went out of the office by himself and headed to Youngpoong Bookstore at the building where Seoul Express Bus Terminal was located. He took the subway line no. 3 to get there. He bought several prenatal education books, including Talmud's Tales and books on good foods during pregnancy. He also bought some classical music CDs for Young-Eun.

"Oh, my gosh. I will really be a dad?"