GH Mobile’s Sales Revenue Increased (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho changed the topic.

"Our former plant manager is actively working in China right now. The work contract with him expires at the end of this year, but Mr. President Min-Hyeok Kim there said that he is thinking of extending the contract with him. Since he is very knowledgeable about the machines and maintains them stably, the Chinese workers respect him a lot and heavily rely on him at work."

"That's good to know."

"Oh, how's our former research center's chief officer doing at Dyeon Korea?"

"Mr. Chief Officer Bang comes to work sporadically. His one-year work contract will expire at the end of this year as well. He already explicitly informed Dyeon Korea that he no longer wants to work there."

"That's a shame. He had worked so hard for Mulpasaneop even though he was not one of the founding members; he joined the company later on."