Soap Opera Production Company in Shanghai (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho was talking with Jien Wang on the phone.

Jien Wang asked, "How is the terminal business going in Antang City, Guizhou Province?"

"I already started investing in it. I've invested 500,000 dollars already, and sent one of my people there."

"You don't have to worry about that investment. A terminal project and a passenger transportation service business are safe business money-wise. You might not make a fortune, but you won't lose your investment funds. It's like the industrial complex that we established in Kunshan City. It is a Cash Cow business as well. You haven't seen any bus terminal going out of business before, have you? That industry is closely related to ordinary people's daily life. If they happen to suffer from some financial problems, at least the government will support them. However, producing a soap opera is different. It's not a Cash Cow business at all, and it is a highly risky business. You're right about being extra careful before going into that business."