Soap Opera Production Company in Shanghai (3) – Part 2

Gun-Ho said, "I was told that you had your own soap opera production company before."

"Right. I opened a company called W Entertainment, and after shooting one soap opera, I went bankrupt."

"You must have lost a lot of money."

"I actually lost 2 billion won."

"Wow. That's huge. I'm sure that you had a hard time overcoming the failure and other consequences."

"'Having a hard time' isn't enough to describe the hardship that I experienced at that time. I wanted to die. I've applied for the rehabilitation process."

"Since the insolvency amount is 2 billion won, it must be considered as general rehabilitation rather than personal rehabilitation."

"That's correct. If the amount of reorganization claim exceeds 500 million won, or if the amount claimed is secured debt and it exceeds 1 billion won, they put you in the general rehabilitation category, rather than the personal rehabilitation. By the way, you seemed to know well about the bankruptcy and rehabilitation process, sir."