Singing Together at Karaoke (1) – Part 2

When Gun-Ho was thinking about purchasing a condo in Huaxi Huayuan, the director of the transportation department stood up from his seat and said, "Mr. President Goo, I think I will have to leave now. I can't stay long here because I'm a government employee, and it's not good for a government employee to be seen in a karaoke. I guess I'd better go now."

"Oh, really? It's a shame."

"I want you to have fun even after I leave. Todays' press conference was very successful, and I had a great time having beer here in karaoke with you. Please don't mind me and enjoy the rest of your evening."

The transportation department's director finally left. It seemed that he was worried about his reputation being damaged because of his staying in karaoke since he was a high ranking government officer. If someone recognized him in a karaoke, they might talk badly behind his back. Everyone in the room stood up to see him off.