Bus Line Permit (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho asked Jae-Sik Moon, "When you go on a trip to visit Guilin Daewoo Bus, are you taking your interpreter—Ms. Eun-Hwa Jo—with you?"

"I initially requested them that I would need her for the trip, but they said that it wouldn't be necessary because Guilin Daewoo Bus has their interpreter who is a Korean Chinese, and also, they have several Korean people working there. So, they said that I don't have to worry about communicating with them."

"That's nice. Well, have a safe trip."

"Oh, and I told them that I picked a place where I want to live. When I told them that it is a condo in Huaxi Huayuan, the Chinese partners didn't look very happy."

"How come? Is that because it's an expensive condo?"

"That's all I can think of. But, they said they would accept my choice since the condo is less than 120 ㎡."

"Hahaha. That's good then."

Gun-Ho made a call to his sister.

"Sister, it's me. You still have the bank book with the sales proceeds from GH Logistics' previous location, right?"