Certificate of Inno-Biz (3) – Part 2

Gun-Ho continued to give a work instruction to the general affairs manager in his office.

"Also, Mr. General Affairs Manager, please send the notice to each department about the restructuring of our compound room. We are changing it into a technology research center."

"Yes, sir."

"The new chief offer of our research center would be Mr. Gil-Hoon Bang. Please indicate that his position is a temporary advisory position. You can mark this beside his name and new job title."

"Yes, sir."

"Manager Hee-Yeol Yoo will be placed to the deputy chief research officer position, and add it to his position that he is taking a dual position as a plant manager as well."

"Yes, sir."

"We also need to change the job titles of all of the current workers in the compound room. The position of a manager will be a lead researcher while the position of an assistant manager will be a senior researcher. Everyone else is given the position of staff researcher."

"Yes, sir."