Drama Production Company— Huanle Shiji (2) – Part 1

Huanle Shiji's President Chen swallowed what he had in his mouth before answering Gun-Ho's question.

"We started with 1 million dollars."

"You must have debts as well, so I believe that the company currently has impaired capital."

"To be honest with you, yes, you are correct. That's the company's current financial situation."

"You have produced two dramas so far, and both of them didn't do well. I believe that getting crowdfunding wouldn't be an option for your company either."

"I suppose so."

Gun-Ho said while having his beer, "I'd like to take a look at Huanle Shiji's financial statements. I want to see its current accounts payable as of today."

"I will need to ask the accounting staff for it."

"If you could email me with the financial statements, I would appreciate it. I will need it in order to make my decision. You will find my email address on my business card."

"Of course. I will send it to you as soon as it becomes ready."