Drama Production Company— Huanle Shiji (3) – Part 1

After completing their tour in Shanghai Film Park—Yingshi Leyuan—Gun-Ho, Min-Hyeok Kim, and Director Woon-Hak Sim headed to Wuxi City for their next tour stop.

Once they got into the car, the three men fell asleep right away and started snoring. Their morning at Shanghai Film Park must have been tiring. The park was huge, and they had to walk a lot.

After quite a while, they arrived in Wuxi City. It took at least two hours of driving to get there.

"Oh, it's already past lunchtime."

Wuxi City was situated in the southern part of Jiangsu Province in the Yangtze River delta area. It was sitting next to Suzhou City, and it had 6.5 million populations. There was a huge freshwater lake called Lake Tai, and it made the place suitable to shoot the famous novels which were made to TV series later, like Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Outlaws of the Marsh.