Jae-Sik’s Wife is Leaving for China – Part 2

President Jeong-Sook Shin said to Gun-Ho, "Did the lady who was operating the book café stop by your office? Today is her last day with us."

"I heard about it. Did you find someone to replace her position yet?"

"I did. I have a friend of mine who is younger than me. After becoming single, she is living by herself. I asked her to come and work at the book café."

"Becoming single?"

"She divorced her husband. They have a son—a second-grader. She is living by herself with her kid. She worked as an insurance salesperson for a while, but she was not good at it. And she didn't make enough accordingly. I told her to come and work with me at the book café. She is 40 something years old, but she is still pretty."

"Haha, I see. Well, do what you have to do, Ms. President Shin. Is the book café generating enough profits?"

"I can't expect to make huge profits with the book café, but I can tell you that the earnings from it certainly help GH Media in paying the rent for the office. Haha."