Participating in producing a Chinese Drama (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho felt drowsy in the afternoon.

"Why am I feeling tired and sleepy? All I did today was that I visited the bank at Sejong Road. How come do I feel so sleepy? Is it because it's Monday?"

Gun-Ho put his arms upward and stretched himself.

"This drama business will be my last investment. There is just too much work to do. I should let others do all the work from now on, and I will just collect the profits. I'm not going to make a fortune by working myself anyway."

After drinking a glass of water, Gun-Ho went up to the rooftop to get some fresh air.

"It's quite busy up here."

On the rooftop, there were many people gathering together having a chat, and some were smoking. Several people were sitting in the book café as well. Instead of Jae-Sik's wife, there was a new lady who was making coffee. She looked a bit older than Jae-Sik's wife, but she looked sophisticated.

"She must be the one who President Shin talked to me about."

Gun-Ho entered the book café.