First Vendor Company (2) – Part 2

After getting off the phone with Jae-Sik Moon, Gun-Ho drank his tea. It was already cold, but he didn't mind it.

'Jae-Sik Moon's wife seemingly acclimated herself well to the new environment already. Once she gives birth to their child next month, Jae-Sik Moon will become the father of a child. They will easily find help in China since it would be easy and not expensive to have a housekeeper. What about Young-Eun and myself? Young-Eun's mother is not here. Should I ask my mom to stay with us for a while to take care of our baby? Young-Eun might not like it… Maybe she wouldn't feel comfortable living with my mother…

Jong-Suk Park's child must have grown up a lot by now. His baby is 100 days old, I guess. Oh, wait. Maybe she is six months old.'

Gun-Ho made a call to Jong-Suk Park.

"Yeah, bro!"

"Where are you right now? I hear all sorts of noise from your side."